Monday, September 29, 2008

Country First?

Country First? Really? I'm sorry but Senator McCain cannot be serious that he puts his country first when he named Governor Sarah Palin as his runningmate. If he'd wanted to make history by being the first GOP candidate to name a woman VP he could have picked from any number of qualified women in his party (whether they'd have said yes or not I have no idea); Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins....

Did he do that? No. He picked a woman whose religious views are not mainstream (fine except everything I've read says they believe the Rapture will come in their lifetime and I'm not exactly comfortable handing over the keys to our nuclear arsenal to someone who is expecting the end of the world as we know it in her lifetime). He picked a woman whose understanding of the larger world and the issues facing our nation itself seems quite shakey. He picked a partner who has had to be shielded from the press. He picked a partner whose own police chief (a man she appointed to the job) charged rape victims for their rape kits until the state stepped in and made it illegal to do so. He picked a woman who was willing to thrust her pregnant teenage daughter into the international spotlight (and don't get me started on the freaking hypocrasy of our press and nation - if Chelsea Clinton had shown up pregnant at 17 there would have been howls of outrage and condemnation).

Senator McCain's choice shows a disrespect for women and for all the citizens of this nation. We deserve competent leaders regardless of which political party they belong. We need leaders who genuinely will put their country first, even if that means they lose an election.

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