Friday, October 17, 2008

Drip, Drip, Drip

I'm sitting with a pile of stamped postcards. They're written and ready to go to campaign HQ to be addressed and sent to undecided voters in swing states. There are lots of them and they represent hours of work by a number of people but when I sit and think of how few voters they'll actually reach it is discouraging. Still every vote matters. We have to fight to get every vote. Each little drip of water adds up and eventually makes a puddle, which can form a stream, which can fill a pond. It all adds up to something greater.

If a postcard I've written helps bring an undecided voter onboard then I've just doubled the impact of my vote. Thinking about it that way this pile suddenly seems larger.

This is how we change the world. This is how individuals can do it; with small steps towards small goals that can turn into larger steps towards larger goals and eventually others will help support us and we can go further and faster than we ever thought possible. This is the beauty of community organizing.

This is the wonder of community.

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