Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Fierce Urgency of I'm Too Busy

I've never volunteered in an election before so I totally understand when people say they're not comfortable or too busy or whatever other reason or excuse they have for not volunteering. Or at least I did.

This time around the election is just too important. We cannot afford to let this opportunity pass us by. We cannot afford McCain/Palin. I believe that with all my heart. If I didn't I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing.

So when I get response after response of "well I'm really too busy but I'll be voting for him," I get frustrated. Then I chastize myself. After all I know what it's like to be busy and I know that participating in the grunt work of a campaign is very low on most people's to-do lists (hell it usually is on mine as well). I'm really struggling with this. I understand but I don't. So much is at stake.

I know I'm not the only one who feels passionate about this race, far from it. Yet some of the most vocally passionate and fired up people I know are doing nothing. Some are donating money and that's great if they're able to and it's a valid contribution but right now we need people's time, their energy, their help. I hear people talk about how much they like Obama and how great it'll be when he's President but folks he's not President yet. He's still trying to get the votes!

Please, the time for action is now. If you an spare ten minutes and a few bucks buy some snacks for the volunteers and drop them off at a coordinator's house or campaign office. If you can spare two hours phonebank or address postcards. If you can spare four hours go canvass or do more phonebanking. It's not over until it's over. We need you!

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